

Introduction to the use of the computer as an art and design tool. Emphasizes fundamental color computer graphics skills through practical experience with two-dimensional drawing, timeline, image editing and 3D spatial programs currently used by art and design professionals. Hardware used includes Macintosh computers, scanners, and black-and-white and color printers.


The student will be able to:

  • Create works of computer art using a variety of concepts, tools, and techniques
  • Demonstrate basic knowledge of computer as an art tool and medium
  • Plan and realize computer art projects from initial concept, through research, to final execution
  • Defend and critique computer art works on conceptual, aesthetic, effectiveness of visual communication, and technical levels
  • Describe and analyze works of computer art in the contexts of developments in technology, art, and society
  • Demonstrate ability to use the following digital tools and techniques: Brushes, Selections,
  • Layers, Cutting and Pasting, Keyframing, and File Management.
  • Understand basic concepts in designing for end users
  • Understand the core concepts of digital media assets. For example: resolution, file types, color modes, formats, Input/output of digital data, and multiple distribution channels for digital assets.


  • USB/Flash drive at least 512MB & headphones.
  • Additional drawing and design supplies such as pencils, paper, and black foam core.


Your final grade will be compiled from the grades you receive on your projects throughout the semester, your participation grade, your readings grade and your con. Each grade will be weighted as follows:
Discussion Questions 10%
Sketches 10%
Homework: 20%
Project 1: Logo Parody (Adobe Illustrator) 15%
Project 2: Emotional Landscape (Adobe Photoshop) 15%
Project 3: Hybrid Object (Maya) 15%
Project 4: Active Loop (Adobe Photoshop Timeline) 15%

Discussion Questions(10%)
This assignment has three main purposes. The first is to provide a place for you to look at art and test the theories we discuss in class. The second is to allow you a place to voice your own responses to the work–you should feel free to disagree loudly in your comments. The third purpose is to help you to start to compile a mental library of images that you like. You must submit your entry by the beginning of class on the day it is due. Late journal entries will only receive half credit.

Sketches (10%)
Each project has a set of requirements need to be turned in before the final critique. These requirements include sketches, photographs, found images, and storyboards. They will be graded using the criteria: timeliness, completeness and thoughtfulness.

Homework (20%)
For each project there will be two or three technical skills assignments.

Projects (60%)
In this class there are four projects including the final project. At the beginning of each project you will review the project overview on this website. Please take note of the due dates. Work that is turned in after class on the day it is due will be considered late. The highest grade that late projects can receive is a C.

You will be expected to complete about half of the work on your projects outside of class so it is important to familiarize yourself with the open lab schedule. During open lab time you can come into the lab to work on your projects. During this time there will be a lab monitor that may be able assist you if you have questions.

Project evaluation criteria
Each project will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Does the project have strong aesthetic and formal qualities?
Are the concepts or ideas behind the project creative and thoughtful?
Does the project demonstrate technical skill?
Please see the attached rubric for examples of evaluation.


I created this website to accommodate the changing needs of this class. All of the lectures, projects and readings that are discussed in class will be on this website. If class is canceled or you are absent you can check the website to see what you need to do for the next class. This is also an excellent resource to review skills and concepts.


Attendance in this class is critical. In each class you will learn skills that you will build upon in subsequent classes. It is very important that if you miss a class you make-up the work that you missed by reading the appropriate section of the book and doing any tutorials that are posted on the website. You can also visit my office during my office hours to get a summary of what I went over in class. I keep track of attendance by putting out a sign-in sheet at the beginning of class. I will change it to a late attendance sheet after 10 minutes and remove it after 30 minutes. If your name is not on the sheet you will be considered absent. I do not distinguish between excused and unexcused absences. Each student is allowed up to 3 absences, after the 3rd absence you will be withdrawn. If it is after the withdrawal deadline you will fail.


In this course there are many opportunities for lively discussion and debate, however there is no place for rude or derogatory remarks. When you speak you must speak respectfully of all people–including your peers and myself. If you say something that is disrespectful you will be given a warning and then asked to leave.


I want each of you to be successful in this class. I want you to make work that that inspires you and your peers. I want you to push me and the other students to find new ways of approaching the materials and the tools we are using. I want you to emerge an innovative and creative new media artist. I am here to support you in these goals. If you have any questions, small or large, technical or conceptual, please come see me. I can also make an appointment to meet with you at another time that is more convenient. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are having trouble or need help. Any student in this class who has special needs because of a disability is entitled to receive accommodations. Eligible students at Mercer County Community College are assured services under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If you believe you are eligible for services, please contact Arlene Stinson, the Director of Academic Support Services. Ms. Stinson’s office is LB221, and she can be reached at (609) 570-3525.

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